September 3

Grade 9

Learning Goal:

I am learning to…

Apply reading strategies so we can make meaning from a text;

Reflect on my learning.

Success Criteria:

I can identify elements of style present in various text forms

I can make inferences while reading

I can identify significant ideas in a text

I can annotate a text to show my thinking

I can identify new learning

I can explain what the new learning is

The song “Grade 9” describes the worries and feelings grade 9 students often have as they enter high school. 

Get Ready

First, read the lyrics. —>handout

Next, Listen/View the song.

Get Set

Using the HIGHLIGHT CODE below, mark up the song. 

Colour 1 = unknown references

Colour 2 = humorous images

Next, annotate (markup) the text by leaving comments beside each of the song lines that explain what the worry or problem the narrator is having. 

Once, you’ve annotated the song for meaning, I’d like you to think about the poetic devices that the writer is using. 

Poetic devices are tools that writers use to help them create meaning–> handout

Sample annotated text.

Annotate your copy of the song—> handout

Now that you have completed annotating the song, compare your thinking and observations to other people’s ideas.



Finally, write one paragraph that identifies something that you learned in this lesson.


Maybe you learned about a new poetic device.

Or maybe you learned about a pop culture reference that the song alluded to.

Or maybe you learned how to annotate the text.

Or maybe it is something else altogether. 


On paper, start your paragraph with this sentence stem:


In the lesson on the song “Grade 9”, I learned…


Then explain what you learned.

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Posted September 3, 2020 by Ms. Balen in category 2020, ENG1P

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