November 24

Structured writing

Chapters 43-45




“Refugee who ran in Olympics helps bring

sports to refugee camps” and shrink down the article.






Wednesday, November 25


  • Write the summary for “Refugee who ran in Olympics helps bring sports to refugee camps”
  • Send it to me via the assignment submission page.
Category: 2020, ENG1P | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 23


Chapters 40, 41, 42

Characterization (something you learn about the protagonist based on what the character says, thinks, the effect on others, acts, or looks like.  

Fill in characterization graphic organizer


our characterization observations


“Refugee who ran in Olympics helps bring 

sports to refugee camps” and shrink down the article.

the summary in Word

Category: 2020, ENG1P | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 19

The summary

Chapters 37, 38, 39

5 post-it notes + Notice and Note handout

            • Vivid verbs 
            • Literary device 
            • Punctuation/Text feature 
            • Factual detail 
            • Characterization (something you learn about the protagonist based on what the character says, thinks, the effect on others, acts, or looks like.  




Our annotations


Model summary in Word.



“Refugee who ran in Olympics helps bring 

sports to refugee camps” and shrink down the article.

Category: 2020, ENG1P | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 17

The Summary

Chapters 34, 35, 36

5 post-it notes + Notice and Note handout

            • Vivid verbs 
            • Literary device 
            • Punctuation/Text feature 
            • Factual detail 
            • Characterization (something you learn about the protagonist based on what the character says, thinks, the effect on others, acts, or looks like.  




Our annotations



How to shrink down an article or how to write a summary?


Review Learning Skills

Long-term goal planning sheet and monitoring your goals


For Wednesday: Commit to working on this course for 60 mins or 1 hour—undistracted. 


    • Complete your work in monitoring your long-term goal planning
    • Complete outstanding work from Term 1 (use the tracking sheet to guide you)
    • Use Quizlet to study course content

AND JOIN a TEAMS meeting at 10:00 a.m. to check-in. I will send the invitation later today. No video. No mics. Just chat.

Category: 2020, ENG1P | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 15

Midterm Round-up.


How do you find the TEAMS meeting?

  • Outlook mail
  • Teams calendar

Learning Skills


Long Term Goal Planning 

Assessment and Reflection folder rubrics. 


Choose ONE assignment that you may have started and finish it. OR choose one assignment that you finished and can now revise based on past and current feedback. 

Submit that assignment to me. 

Category: 2020, ENG1P | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 5

The Summary

The last day to submit work for mid-terms is November 10.

See the ASSESSMENT AND REFLECTION folder in your notebook to view rubrics.

See feedback on work, in Word, and in Commonlit.

You can always revise your work based on feedback and re-submit for re-evaluation (potentially a higher mark).


Hand in your work from Wednesday: Analysis sheet #9 and post-it notes.

Take up Chapters 28-30–4 post-it notes


TOGETHER:   “Refugees, asylum-seekers and IDPs around the globe” and apply the summarizing process. Write the summary. 

Now you try on your own.

Category: 2020, ENG1P | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 5



Graduation requirements and Progress Reports. 


The last day to submit work for mid-terms is November 10.

See the ASSESSMENT AND REFLECTION folder in your notebook to view rubrics. 

See feedback on work, in Word, and in Commonlit.

You can always revise your work based on feedback and re-submit for re-evaluation (potentially a higher mark).


Hand in your work from yesterday: Analysis sheet and post-it notes.

Chapters 28-30

4 post-it notes


TOGETHER:   “Refugees, asylum-seekers and IDPs around the globe” and apply the summarizing process. Write the summary. 

Now you try on your own.

Category: 2020, ENG1P | LEAVE A COMMENT